We tend to have several social activities each semester so you can def look forward to those. This past semester we had somewhere around like 10-15+ events probably between house social events, study breaks, CPW events, general hanging out/activities, etc. We try to have plenty of social events and are ramping up events (although between classes and everything else you'll defintely be plenty busy with other stuff) and as your co-social chair this upcoming semster I promise you only the best of social events!!! Besides formally planned activites theres also tons of just hanging out in the lounge practically daily which is on par with how fun our events are ~ n8
Some events from past semester include: 2 or 3 GRA study breaks, Jeopardy night, rock climbing, dance classes, like 3 or 4 birthday celebrations, CPW events, and powerpoint/regular karaoke. Also our regular dinners and general hangouts are very social so you can be as involved in DH stuffs as much as you like ~ Katie.
There's a few party going people in DH as well if you're looking to get out of the house on Fridays, and it's very encouraged that people put on their own events. We also do events with other houses in New House; this year we had a joint thanksgiving dinner and a joint social event with La Casa. ~ camacho