2 | bag(s) | Tea leaves, black |
0.4 | cup | Boba tapioca pearls |
0.5 | cup | sugar |
0.5 | cup | water |
Prepare a strong cup of tea: This needs to be done ahead of time so tea can cool a little. Start boiling water on the side. Tie tea bags together in groups of 10 or more, and cut off the paper tags. Drop the tea bags in a large pot of boiled water. Amount of water used may vary depending on the tea bag, but should be around 6-7 tea bags per 1 liter of water. Don't over-steep the tea, or the tea will be very bitter; the tea should be very strong, since it will be diluted with the milk, syrup and/or ice people add later.
Combine the boba with water: Measure 2 cups of water for every 1/4 cup of boba being prepared into a pot. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the boba and stir gently until they begin floating to the top of the water.
Cook the boba: Turn the heat to medium and cook the boba for 5 to 7 minutes. Stir occasionally. Remove the pan from heat, cover, and let the pearls sit for another 5 to 7 minutes. (or follow instructions on bag if available)
Prepare the sugar syrup for the boba: For every 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar is needed to be stirred in. While the boba are cooking, make a simple sugar syrup to sweeten and preserve them once cooked. Bring water to a boil over high heat on the stove. Remove from heat and stir in sugar until dissolved. Set aside to cool.
Store the boba until ready to assemble: Once the boba have finished cooking, drain them from the water and transfer them to a bowl. Soak in cool water (slightly cooler than room temp) until boba are room temperature (about 5-10 min). Drain the boba again then pour the sugar syrup over top until the boba are submerged. Refrigerate until ready to use. Boba are best if used within an hour or two of cooking, but will keep refrigerated for a couple hours. The boba will gradually harden and become crunchy as they sit. If refrigerating, make sure to leave the boba covered with syrup water so they'll last longer.
Make the bubble tea: Pour the prepared tea into a tall glass and add the boba. Add milk for a creamy bubble tea, juice for a fruity tea, or leave plain and add a little extra water. Sweeten to taste with the simple syrup from soaking the boba. Add ice cubes if tea is not cold enough.